Wretched Kush:
Ethnic Identities and Boundaries in Egypt's Nubian Empire
by Stuart Tyson Smith
This book investigates the complex nature of ethnicity on the ancient Egyptian-Nubian frontier, showing how imperial constructions of an ethnic culture contrast with patterns of mutual influence, with particular consideration of the subtle ways in which subjugated peoples, especially women, influence the dominant culture of the colonizer.
Press: Routlage LONDON 2003
Askut in Nubia
by Stuart Tyson Smith
Askut in Nubia investigates the economic and political factors contributing to a change in Egyptian imperial policy from a system of equilibrium stressing separation during the Middle Kingdom (c. 1900-1650 BC), to a new policy of acculturation in the New Kingdom (1550-1070 BC). New evidence from Askut shows how the Egyptian colonial communities were not abandoned but instead survived the conquest of the former colony by the king of Kush (c. 1650 BC), staying on after the Egyptian re-conquest in 1550 BC to form an ideal conduit for implementing the new policy of cultural assimilation.
Valley of the Kings
by Stuart Tyson Smith
Valley of the Kings, the 3200-year old burial ground of ancient Egyptian rulers and nobility, has attracted robbers, visitors, enthusiasts, and scientists.
This book aimed at young readers focuses on those who discovered the ancient tombs, hidden mummies, and wonderful treasures, from the earliest antiquarians, more interested in acquiring objects than documenting what they found, to the latest archaeologists, whose painstaking work is revealing new insights into the worlds most famous burial ground.
Anthropology and Egyptology
State and Empire in the Middle and New Kingdoms
This study analyses Egyptian imperialism in Nubia using an economically oriented theoretical model combining Egyptological and Anthropological perspectives, using new information from the UCLA excavations at the fortress of Askut (c. 1850-1070 BC).
The article concludes with a consideration of the often divergent economic and ideological roles of Egyptian imperialism in the financing and legitimization of the Pharaonic state.
Nubia and Egypt: Interaction, Acculturation, and Secondary State Formation from the Third to First Millennium BC.
As an example of culture contact, the long history of Egypt and Nubia provides evidence of many aspects of extended interaction, including not only conquest, resistance, and collapse, but also aspects of acculturation, growth and complexity, and transculturation or ethnogenesis in the periphery.
The nature and consequences of contacts between Egypt and Nubia offer a different view than that provided by European-New World recent scenarios of contact, demonstrating that Quincentennial models of culture contact cannot be extrapolated as universals."