TS - Ceramic Analysis in Archaeology
Brief Introduction
This class will provide students with an overview of how ceramics are used
in archaeology. It will demonstrate how studies of this important material category
allow anthropologically oriented archaeologists to learn about the people behind the
pots. Topics will include pottery manufacture, classification, stylistic and functional
analysis, scientific analysis, chronology, production and exchange, ceramic consumption
and socio-political organization.
for 132TS
Assignment Checklist
Societies Handout
Typology Report Guidelines
How to Cite
Required Texts |
Readings will be assigned from the following (see Course
Schedule for specific assignments):
Approaches to Archaeological Ceramics.
Carla Sinopoli. New York:
Plenum, 1991.
Pottery Analysis. A Sourcebook Prudence M. Rice. (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1987)