Final Essay Questions
Choose ONE of
the following options for your final exam. Answer the question
completely in a well developed 8 page essay.
You will need to combine lecture, the readings, and outside
sources to adequately address the questions. You should
cite at least 5 references regularly within
the text and prepare a bibliography of references cited.
Dr. Fagan’s texts should serve as an excellent introduction
and guide to the issues involved in the questions, but only
the World Prehistory textbook can count as one
of the five sources. The other four should be taken from
books and/or articles that you find in the library (web
pages may be used, but do NOT count as one of the five sources).
You should use the “guide to further reading”
section below to begin to identify appropriate additional
sources. Begin researching and developing your essay very
soon and consult your TA immediately if you have any difficulties.
The search for the origins
of agriculture, pastoralism, and settled life forms one
of the central themes of anthropological archaeology. This
development occurred after the end of the last Ice Age at
various times, beginning in the Middle East and North Africa
and over the next several thousand years taking place around
the world. Some argue that population pressure drove people
to begin producing food, others argue for a kind of co-evolution
or risk management strategy where slow experimentation resulted
in domestication, and finally some suggest that social pressure
to produce food for feasting (and other activities that
would enhance an individual’s prestige) drove the
process. For this paper, compare and contrast
two areas where this revolutionary shift in human society
happened. Make sure to include a discussion of the logic
behind each model, and consider how well each applies to
the regions you have chosen. Compare and contrast ONE set
of two areas from the following options:
- South America (the Andes) vs. Mesoamerica
- Western Asia (the Middle East) vs. China
Archaeologists have identified numerous state-level/complex
societies in the past. Some of these include civilizations
found in Mesoamerica, South America, Mesopotamia, and Egypt.
Using Dr. Fagan’s 5 characteristics of a state-level
society (see page 200 in World Prehistory) as a
framework, choose one of the sets of two civilizations listed
below, to compare and contrast. Critically
evaluate whether or not each is actually a state-level society.
Address the archaeological evidence for each of Fagan’s
five criteria when comparing and contrasting the two possible
states you have chosen. You do not have to agree with Dr.
Fagan’s criteria, but you must thoroughly support
your argument as to whether or not each is a state. A complete
essay must include a discussion of the factors that led
(or possibly did not lead) to the formation of state-level
societies in these regions. Again, compare and contrast
ONE SET of two civilizations from the following options:
- Harrapan ( Indus Valley) vs. Mississippian
( Cahokia)
- Mycenaean vs. Chaco Canyon (Ancestral
Possible Sources and Guide
to Further Reading:
- Scarre, Chris and Brian Fagan, Ancient Civilizations
- Wenke, Robert, Patterns in Prehistory (RESERVED)
- Whitfield, Roderick and Wang Tao, Exploring China’s
- Chang, Kwnag-chih, The Archaeology of Ancient China
- Possehl, Gregory, Indus Age: The Beginnings
- Taylour, William, The Mycenaeans (RESERVED)
- Smith, Bruce, The Emergence of Agriculture (RESERVED)
- Pauketat, Timothy, and Thomas Emerson (eds.), Cahokia:
Domination and Ideology in the Mississippian World (RESERVED)
- Cordell, Linda, The Prehistory of the Southwest
- Lu, Tracey, “The Origins and Dispersal of Rice
Cultivation,” Antiquity 72 (1998)
- Pope, K., M. Pohl, et al. “Origin and environmental
setting of ancient agriculture in the lowlands of Mesoamerica.”
Science 292
- Bar-Yosef, Ofer, and Anna Belfer-Cohen, “Origins
of sedentism and farming communities in the Levant,”
Journal of World Prehistory, v. 3, no. 4, 1989
The books indicated will be place on 2-hour
reserve at the library.
The standard anthropological format for references
within the text is as follows (Silverman 1997:10-20) = (Name
Year:Pages). You can treat the lectures as a personal communication
= (Stuart Smith, pers. Comm., 2005), although they do NOT
count as one of your sources. A References section should
appear at the end of the paper, with entries formatted like
Kemp, Barry
1989 Ancient Egypt. Anatomy of a Civilization.
London: Routledge.
How to Use