As with many groups of subsistence farmers, the material culture of the Gwembe Tonga is highly functional, and fairly restricted, without a great deal of elaboration. This is not to say that they have no arts or crafts, but that they do not have a substantial amount of time to spend on manufacturing goods. Because all of the labor energy involved in food production is human labor (they had no draft animals), there is seldom much time that people have free from agricultural chores to work on other projects. The next few pages will give you some idea of the aspects of the material culture that directly impinge on survival and food production. Good descriptions of other aspects of their material culture, such as pottery, weapons, drums, toys, etc., can be found in "The Material Culture of the People of the Gwembe Valley," by Barrie Reynolds.
A simple Tonga ground house with verandah. This is the typical type of
dwelling one would find in a village. Recorded 1957; Chipepo village; (Reynolds
1968:15) This is a garden shelter built with a low platform. This type of shelter is
used to sleep in during the dry season when crops are maturing in the river
bank gardens, away from the village. You would stay here to keep vermin, and
hippopotamus from invading your fields at night. Recorded 1957; Sigongo
village; (Reynolds 1968:15) This is a typical day shelter for use in the village or near the gardens.
These serve as shady places to rest during the heat of the day when the sun is
at its worst. Other tasks, such as grinding grain, cooking, etc. are carried
out under the cover of these shelters. Recorded 1957; Chipepo village;
(Reynolds 1968:15)
This is an example of one type of mud-plastered granary used to store grains
such as millet and sorghum. The peaked, thatched roof helps keep the rains out.
The plastering helps to keep rats, birds, and other little thieves out of the
food supply. Recorded 1957; Chipepo village; (Reynolds 1968:18)
This is another example of the mud-plastered granary. The small window is
the only opening in the granary, and is intentionally kept small so that it is
easy to block off to keep pests out. Recorded 1957; Chipepo village; (Reynolds
As opposed to the previous granaries, this one has wall made of wickerwork,
and is built on an elevated platform of poles and mud plaster. Note that this
granary has not had its roof put on yet. Recorded 1957; Sigongo village;
(Reynolds 1968:18)
The Valley Tonga practice what is called slash and burn or swidden
agriculture. When a new field is cleared, the men lop the lower branches off
the taller trees, and cut down the smaller trees. The branches and other refuse
are then piled around the taller trees, as in this picture, and allowed to dry
out. Then the area is burned. The burning brings down the tall trees, and
returns a certain amount of nutrients to the soil. After a few years, the field
will have to be abandoned, or fallowed, in order to recover its fertility.
Riverbank and floodplain fields do not need to be fallowed, however, because the
flooding river deposits new soil each year - automatically rejuvenating the
These are examples of the kind of iron axes the men use in the process of
clearing new fields. They have wide blades and short handles. The bulge where
the head is hafted on the handle serves both to secure the head and as an added
weight to make the axe more efficient. (Reynolds 1968:108) All planting and weeding is done with the traditional short-handled hoe
shown here. Note the knob on the end of the handle to keep it from slipping out
of the hand. The hoe, like the axe, is designed with extra weight behind the
head so that it does not have to be swung as hard to do the job. The handles
are typically less than three feet long. As a result, both planting and weeding
require a great deal of stooping over. Think what your back would feel like
after 8-12 hours of weeding with one of these! A typical Tonga wooden mortar for pounding grain. (Reynolds 1968:127) Wooden pestles used for pounding grain. Lengths: a- 36 inches (young girl's
pestle); b- 57 inches (woman's pestle); c- 71 inches (used for pounding grain on
an open floor). A woman's pestle is one of her most prized and customized
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